Saturday, November 28, 2009

Seniors Going To Food Pantries

Recession Sends Many Seniors to Food Pantries :
"ALBANY, N.Y. — Older Americans who were raised on stories of the Great Depression and acquired lifelong habits of thrift now find themselves crowding soup kitchens and food pantries in greater numbers for the first time after seeing retirement funds, second jobs and nest eggs wiped out by recession.
'What we see in line is lots of gray hair, lots of walkers,' said Marti Forman, Cooperative Feeding Program. The help is crucial for many fixed-income seniors, who can't always keep up with rising food prices."
 I make it a habit to only post upbeat articles on this blog but as Jerry Seinfeld once quipped, this time I Slipped One Past The Goalie.
Whenever I think about Food Pantries and Seniors, I always envision a bunch of older Boomers tripping over them selves in order to volunteer to help those down on their luck. Now it seems that The Times They Are A Changing, and Boomers are the ones in need of help. I don't know how it is in your locality, but here in Durham North Carolina property and sales taxes are increasing steadily to make up for short falls in government spending. A senior can scrimp, save, and cut back on most items, but not on taxes. This is something that Government seems to either forget or ignore when they try to save their budgets by raising taxes. What makes it worse is that this area doesn't offer any senior discount on property taxes, they pay the full tariff.
Let's hope that the economy improves, but if it doesn't, try to help out your local Food Pantries with donations or volunteering.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes

Maximize Your Thanksgiving Leftovers with Leftover Recipes:
"Last year we shared a few leftover recipes and now we're back to share a few more. The absolute easiest method of course is to simply throw servings of your leftovers on the plate and heat them back up. If you love a good Thanksgiving meal you can't go wrong with a basic reheat. That said, we've gathered up a few basic recipes here for you to mix up your left overs."

Thanks to the folks over at LifeHacker for this great post Thanksgiving article.
Tomorrow I'm making my old but simple classic, Turkey Salad. Recently I've taken to adding pickle relish and a hint of mustard. I'll package and freeze individual servings with what's left. Hope you enjoy the recipes, some of them look really good, but a little too much work for just one person.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What Is That Father

A friend of mine sent me this video and it almost brought tears to the eyes of this old cynic.

It is a short film by Constantin Pilavios. I have scoured the web, but I the only thing I can find out about him is that he is an amateur Greek film maker and director who lives in Athens. The film is another story, there aren't any mainstream reviews on it but it seems to be all the rage of blogs like mine. Most of the Bloggers give reviews or opinions of the film, but I won't because doing so will take away the surprise of the poignant little vignette.

Please do yourself a favor and take the time (5Min.) to watch this. It is very moving and I'm quite sure it will bring back some fond memories of your child hood, or maybe it will just make you want to say something special to someone special.

Hat tip to John L. for sending the clip to me.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Five Black Friday Deals

Five Black Friday Deals You Shouldn't Miss
"Here we go: one week until Black Friday. Am I excited? Pumped? Polishing the ol' credit card for a day of deal-crazed madness?
Don't get me wrong: I enjoy BF as much as the next cheapskate. But I'm weary of the month-long hype machine, what with all the 'leaked' ads, pre-Black Friday sales, and so on.
What's more, I have never, and will never, set foot in a retail store on Black Friday. I don't enjoy crowds, especially the deal-crazed variety. Oh, and 5 a.m.? That's sleep time, not stand-in-line-in-the-freezing-cold time.
My other issue: Like last year, the deals I've seen so far just aren't that great. Know why? Because everything's already dirt-cheap all year. Regular Cheapskate readers have seen the $50 GPS, the $80 Blu-ray player, the sub-$300 32-inch HDTV. Sadly for retailers, there's just not much room to go any lower."

I have to agree with the author of this article Rick Broida A.K.A. The Cheapskate. I think that these Black Friday prices aren't so great that they're worth standing in line at 5 a.m. for. Also with today's economy, Ole Man Deflation will drive down prices even further.
So if you don't need it yesterday, sit back, relax and remember Cash Is King.
That is until it's Ole Man Inflation's turn at bat.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Mayo Clinic Opting Out Of Medicare

Phoenix Mayo Clinic in W. Valley Opting Out Of Medicare:
"'Low reimbursements have led one West Valley medical facility to stop taking certain Medicare patients, a pilot program that an Arizona health-care expert says may become a long-term trend in the industry.'
'Government payers without question are the worse payers in health care,' said John Rivers, president of the Arizona Hospital and Health Care Association. 'Medicare shortfalls in hospital payments represent nearly $1 billion in Arizona alone. And those costs ultimately get shifted onto the backs of privately insured individuals in the form of a hidden health-care tax.'"

Boomers Brigade is not a political Blog, and I'm not posting this article as a vehicle to start a debate on the Health Care Bill before Congress. However, the Mayo Clinic's position on Medicare payments does have National implications for Boomers like us. I would be remiss if I did not share this article with you since it looks like a shift that will have a huge financial impact on any current or future Boomer. There are a lot of us out there who depend on Medicare as their sole source for medical coverage, and this trend doesn't bode well for us financially.

How To Wrap Ear Buds

I guess by now most everyone owns an MP3 player of some sort. IPod, Sansa, Zune you name it they all have the same problem. Tangled Ear Bud wires. In the long/short run these need to replaced, and let me tell you they are expensive ($ Store doesn't count).
Thanks to the folks at Hack College the solution to longevity is simple, and as an added bonus it works with any delicate or not so delicate electronics cord you use on a daily basis.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Must-Install Programs - MakeUseOf

Roundup: 15 Free Must-Install Programs for Your PC:
"Over the last three years, the writers here at MakeUseOf have profiled thousands of software apps on the website. With all these thousands being presented to you, it’s hard to decide which apps to use and which ones to discard. To make it easier for you, we have managed to compile a list of the top 15 absolute must-have tools for everyday tasks."

Here's another great article from the folks over at MakeUseOf. This one is about free programs that are a must to have on your PC. I'm ashamed to admit that because I'm not big on music, photos, and video editing, I only have a few of these programs installed. However if you're more mainstream than I, the article is well worth the read. The cost of the programs fall well within anyone's "budget" so give them a try.

Monday, November 16, 2009

This Holiday Season

Giving Experiences, Not Things, This Holiday Season:
"Give Experiences Instead of Things -
What do I mean by this? Instead of giving a material gift that would require you to spend money on something you’re unsure they’ll like and them receiving something that they’ll have to now take responsiblity for, give them something that isn’t material."

A Good Idea or Not?
I guess this one depends on you and the person you're giving the gift to.
Fore example, I know that when I was a kid I was less appreciative of a new sweater than a brand new shiny toy.
Now, not so much.
What about you?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Used Stuff On Facebook

How To Buy Used Stuff For Cheap On Facebook
"Now that I am more proficient in Facebook, and my list of friends is growing, I’ve learned there are many other uses for Facebook beyond “keeping in touch”, “playing games” and “updating my status”. Facebook is a good tool to buy used stuff for cheap or to sell your used stuff. How do you access the used Facebook marketplace? Let’s take a look."

I posted an article about deals on Facebook back in September, but it didn't have the level of detail that this one has. I think that with today's economy we'll be seeing more and more unexpected places to find bargains, especially the used previously owned genre.
Never Pay Retail.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Black Friday Strategy Guide

The dealnews Black Friday Strategy Guide -
"This year's holiday shopping season is expected to be a bargain hunter's paradise. With struggling vendors and a sagging economy, everyone's vying for your dollar. But unless you know how to score the best deals, chances are you can wind up spending more than you wanted. Follow our Black Friday Strategy Guide before heading outside and you'll not only find the best deals, but you'll do so without breaking a sweat."

I found this great article on Black Friday sales tips and thought I'd Boomer it. It comes from one of my favorite bargain hunters web sites "" which I check every day. They started out as mainly a tech bargain type of  list site, no pictures, no fancy advertising, just plain old vanilla bargains. Over the last year they have blossomed into a really great one stop on line deal web site. The newest thing are articles just like this one, which are very helpful to frugal shoppers like me.
Enjoy, and Never Pay Retail.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

529 Dropouts - Yahoo! Finance

"When Michael Singer of Coral Springs, Fla., started saving for his children's college education about six years ago, he relied mainly on a 529 savings plan sponsored by the state of New Mexico. Then the 49-year-old high-school teacher lost about half of his 529 savings because of an Oppenheimer bond fund that had bet heavily on mortgage-backed securities. Mr. Singer decided not to make the big contribution he had planned to his 529 this year, and he is now saving for college on his own."

With all the articles that have been written about the stock market decline, the vast majority of them were focused on 401K and IRA plans. This is the first one I've seen that even mention 529's. It's difficult to imagine a hard working middle class couple taking a hit on their house, 401K and 529 college fund all at the same time. It must also be hard on you Grand Parents out there who also set up a 529 for the grand kids only to see it take a serious decline. My heart goes out to all of you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Black Friday Ads - Electronic Gadgets

Black Friday ads leaking all over town, we've rounded them up:
"The holiday shopping season is really creeping up on us quickly this year... wasn't it just Halloween the other day? Regardless, Black Friday ads revealing the deals to come are leaking all over the internet, so we thought we'd round up a few of the less monotonous-looking bargains"

Just found this, but don't have much time to elaborate on it. Seems like Black Friday ads are being leaked all over the place. I'm sure they come from the stores themselves. I think it's going to be a slow Christmas buying season. The Sam's Club Acer Aspire One 10.1-inch Netbook going for $197 will push me over the edge when it comes to a NetBook. I've heard rumors of this model at different Black Friday leaks for the same price, so maybe it's more than a rumor.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Latte DIY Tip From Apartment Therapy

How to Make Milk Foam Without a Frother or a Machine!:
"We love a bit of creamy foam topping our morning coffee, but haven't really wanted to invest the funds or the counter-space in an actual milk steamer. Here's how we get around it with just a jar and a microwave!"

This is for all of the ex-Yuppies out there who still want to stay hip, but prefer doing it on a budget. Besides those damn frothy machines are a royal pain in the ass to use, and hard as hell to clean.
As an added bonus, check out the entire website that the article is posted on. The Kitchn makes for some interesting reading browsing, it has some great tips and tricks for today's Boomer living.

When Bankers Were Bankers

A little levity Ala Monty Python. I hope you find it as funny as I did. John Cleese plays a more honest banker than any you'll find today, but I guess that's the purpose of my post.
Still can't get over how young they were, or maybe it's how old I've we've gotten.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Don't Cash Out That 401K or IRA

The Market Ticker - Karl Denninger
"Let me make this crystal clear:
Your 401k or IRA has near-absolute protection in a personal bankruptcy. As a qualified retirement plan it cannot be seized by creditors if you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.
The absolutely worst thing you can do is to cash out those plans. This is not just about sabotaging retirement, although that's serious.
This is the 'human face' on the games our government has played with bailing out banks and other big financial institutions. You, 'Joe Six Pack', hasn't been helped at all, and bill collectors and others will even 'suggest' that you cash in retirement funds so you can pay them!
Don't do it!"
If you're like me you know a few younger people that are going through some hard times, and are thinking of tapping into their 401K or IRA accounts. Please take the time to forward this article to them, it's short and to the point. It will at least arm them with some facts and alternatives to help them weather the financial storm they are going through. Karl is right $100 is well spent money for advice from a CPA and/or Bankruptcy Attorney.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

16-inch Windows 7 laptop for $350

Get a 16-inch Windows 7 laptop for $350 | The Cheapskate - CNET News:
"If you are in the market for an inexpensive laptop to make the jump to Windows 7, we may have just what you are looking for."

Attention all Boomers, if anyone needs a cheap laptop right away, give this one 'look see'.
All indications are that the prices will really take a plunge by Christmas, but if you need one NOW for knocking around, this is the guy  .............. and did I tell you it's comes with Windows 7?


Rumor has it that Santa is going to treat me to either a 12" Netbook (Atom/Nvidia) or a 13.3" Mac, wont I be surprised. I'm so tired of lugging around those big heavy bricks just to write email and do some net surfing..

Friday, November 6, 2009

Upside To The Downturn?

Some people think so
"It seems the financial crisis isn't all doom and gloom: one in four people are glad the world's economy slumped like it did, because it helped them realize their priorities in life, according to a global survey. Market research firm Synovate polled around 11,400 people across the world and found more than half had permanently changed their attitudes toward money over the last 12 months."

 It's interesting to see how other countries are adjusting, but I feel that they haven't lost near as much as the US. What do you think, are Americans adjusting to the Downturn or are we mad as hell about it?
Boomers want to know!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Guess Who Sleeps Better After Retirement

People With Pensions Sleep Better After Retirement
"NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Retirees have something else to look forward to besides playing golf -- much better sleep -- particularly if they have decent retirement benefits and retire relatively early. That's what Dr. Jussi Vahtera of the University of Turku in Finland and colleagues found in a study of 14,714 people who had retired from the French national gas and electric company. But because the workers in the study had excellent retirement benefits, including generous pensions, the findings don't apply to everyone, Vahtera noted in a prepared statement."
And if they have 401K plans to go along with their pensions, they sleep like babies.
I love studies like this, they remind me of an old radio show I used to listen to called Tom and Ray. One of the best segments was called Ask Mr. Obvious. Tom would pretend to be a caller with the most transparent question, and Mr. Obvious (Ray) would give the most obvious answer to the even more obvious question. Trust me it was funny. Anyway studies like this are exactly the same as the Tom and Ray skit. The question: Why do I sleep so well? Mr. Obvious' answer, because you are retired with a good pension and don't have to worry about money in your Golden Years, obviously.
The only good thing about the study is that it was Finnish tax money that paid for it, not ours.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Snoring Cure

Snoring jab could cure noisy snoozing in minutes:
"It takes two minutes and costs just €3 , but its effects could be priceless for the partners of loud snorers. The 'snoreplasty' involves injecting a chemical called sodium tetradecyl into the roof of the mouth. It acts as a hardening agent that stops the soft tissue at the back of the mouth from vibrating."

Talk about "a day late and a dollar short". Where was this technology when I needed it? I can't tell you how many relationships my snoring has ruined over the years, and now when I'm too old they invent a cure :-( Anyway this is a good article for any Boomers out there that still have problems with the dreaded ZZZZZZZZ's.
PS I promise to stop with the signs and find more interesting graphics for the posts

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Healthy Living - Yahoo Shine

5 Habits to Break Before It's Too Late
"'Someday,' you say, 'I'm going to get my health back on track, after this next project,' or 'when I get back from my cruise,' or 'when the kids get a little older' ... C'mon, you know your list of reasons -- or what I call EXCUSES -- better than I.
Look, if you're waiting for some magical day to appear, you just may be waiting forever. These days do not 'show up'; you show up for THEM. I have identified five critical areas, bad habits that many people mindlessly follow. Do you realize that each and every day of your life that you do not reverse these dangerous trends, you get farther and farther from your ultimate goal of living a fulfilling life?
Take a look at each area, determine how you stack up, and then make the fix today:"

I haven't posted anything health related in a while, so here's one that I'm sure will interest you. The reason this article caught my eye is that the habits are very easy to break. Some exercise but NO grueling forced marches in the heat of the noon day sun, no extreme will power needed, just some minor adjustments to your day. It makes sense, and it's easy.