I make it a habit to only post upbeat articles on this blog but as Jerry Seinfeld once quipped, this time I Slipped One Past The Goalie.Recession Sends Many Seniors to Food Pantries :
"ALBANY, N.Y. — Older Americans who were raised on stories of the Great Depression and acquired lifelong habits of thrift now find themselves crowding soup kitchens and food pantries in greater numbers for the first time after seeing retirement funds, second jobs and nest eggs wiped out by recession.
'What we see in line is lots of gray hair, lots of walkers,' said Marti Forman, Cooperative Feeding Program. The help is crucial for many fixed-income seniors, who can't always keep up with rising food prices."
Whenever I think about Food Pantries and Seniors, I always envision a bunch of older Boomers tripping over them selves in order to volunteer to help those down on their luck. Now it seems that The Times They Are A Changing, and Boomers are the ones in need of help. I don't know how it is in your locality, but here in Durham North Carolina property and sales taxes are increasing steadily to make up for short falls in government spending. A senior can scrimp, save, and cut back on most items, but not on taxes. This is something that Government seems to either forget or ignore when they try to save their budgets by raising taxes. What makes it worse is that this area doesn't offer any senior discount on property taxes, they pay the full tariff.
Let's hope that the economy improves, but if it doesn't, try to help out your local Food Pantries with donations or volunteering.