The Best Money-saving Tips Of 2012 From "The Cheapskate"
2012 was hellish in a lot of ways, but it was a good year for saving money.
Indeed, as any regular reader of The Cheapskate or CNET's Marketplace knows, you could count on finding a good deal -- often a great deal -- pretty much every single day.
Of course, some of the best money-saving advice applies all year round, not just on a particular day. With that in mind, I've rounded up some of my favorite thrifty tips from 2012. (It probably goes without saying that most of them will work just as well in 2013.)
Rich Broida writes one of my favorite Daily Deals blog about tech gear called "The Cheapskate", and I thought I would share his latest post with you.
The deals, and discussions of bargain can sometimes get quite technical, so his blog is generally not recommended for the uninitiated. This particular blog is very generic, and therefore helpful for Boomers who don't usually shop for technical deals.
Although I gave up being a 'road warrior' many years ago and only use a low tech cell phone, I found the reference to budget smart phones very helpful.