Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tech Myths | Life Hacker - Money

Six Common Tech Myths That Cost You Money
Ever scoff at someone for buying refurbished? Or found yourself dropping $40 on an HDMI cable? We all hear (and spread) tech myths to mostly harmless ends, but in some cases those myths end up costing you a lot of money. Here are a few of the worst offenders.
Technology myths spread through a number of channels. Perhaps it's as simple as a retailer pushing overpriced products, or it's the stigma of not buying something brand new. With that in mind, let's save some money and debunk the myths that steal your hard earned cash from your wallet.

It looks like I'm on a electronic gadget money saving roll. This time the savings tips are from a non-tech oriented zine called LifeHacker. Each of the Tech Myths are explained in easy to understand language, and can save you quite a bit of money over the course of the new year.
The beauty of LifeHacker articles is that they include reader input at the end. I've found that the comments can be just as informative as the article itself, so don't miss reading them.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

About Boomers Brigade

The term Boomers has become the "politically correct" generic term for Senior Citizens, ergo the name of the blog. Its intent is to provide interesting and informative articles that are of special interest to older Americans.
I am currently in the process of fine tuning the template and the style of data presented therein, so be patient. I'm also trying to fine tune the content of the articles, eg. sale items, free items, medical related articles and the like.
I will try desperately to stay away from politics since we seem to be getting a 24/7 overload of the stuff.
Frank J. Boll