Boomers Push Doctor-Assisted Dying in End-of-Life Revolt - Bloomberg:
Claudia Burzichelli doesn’t want to die like her dad. Nine years ago, her father, already afflicted with Parkinson’s, killed himself with a gunshot to the head days after his release from a hospital where he had been treated for a heart attack.
Burzichelli, 54, now suffering from kidney and lung cancer, is haunted by her father’s violent death, even more so as she contemplates her own mortality. She hopes to find a more peaceful way to end her life, if it comes to that.
“On those days when I’ve struggled to breathe, when I think about the stresses on my family, I would hope that I might have more options than starving myself or taking my life in a violent way,” she told a panel of New Jersey lawmakers during a hearing in February on a bill to legalize assisted dying. “It comforts me to think there could be a process, a way to offer options that would not hurt my family.”
This is an idea whose time has come, and Boomers should start discussing the issue honestly and openly.
I had a near miss with liver cancer (misdiagnosis, thankfully). The first thing that came to my mind after I was told I had a cancerous tumor, was how to end it all quickly, and with dignity.
I spoke to quite a few friends, and none were surprised at my concerns about wanting to avoid a long drawn out terminal illness. Our conversations were very matter of fact, because all of us had loved ones who "died the long death", and no one wanted to go that way.
All of the discussed options were centered around "self induced exits". No thought was given to Doctor-Assisted EOL because apparently it's time had not come. People were still not comfortable with the negative images of a Dr. Kavorkian solution. Why, I don't know.
On the other hand guns, noose, going for a drive in the desert and never coming back, were all acceptable solutions.
Go figure.
Please read the article, mull it over in your mind, and most importantly, talk about it with your friends.
It truly is an idea whose time has come.