Tuesday, November 13, 2012

DIY White Castle Hamburgers

White Castle Sliders - A How To From The Big Red Kitchen:
Long before Himself and children, my roommate Sara and I would make the trek to White Castle’s for some sliders or Gut Busters as we liked to call them. Piping hot and smelling so good we could down two or three before our brain knew what was happening and made us slow down. Kinda like Krispie Kreme Hot and Nows. Those days are far away and so is the nearest White Castle, therefore I have resorted to making my own. I have tried the frozen kind but I prefer fresh.

Belly Bombs, Gut Busters, WC's, Greasers, or what ever you called them, this recipe link is for you.
As soon as I found this recipe, I emailed it to everyone I knew who didn't live next to a White Castle "hamburger joint". The response was overwhelming thanks. White Castles tend to invoke that kind of reaction. We've all eaten them at one time or another, and although we refer to them with unflattering names, we love them.

I lived in New York for most of my life, and North Carolina is the first area I've lived in where there wasn't a WC within striking distance.
I bought my first microwave for the sole purpose of heating up frozen Belly Bombs that I used to buy in Lynbrook L.I. (next town over from Valley Stream). My apartment in Woodside Queens had one on the corner, and two within a 5min. drive. When I lived at home in Bayside (also in Queens) we had one which was a good stretch of the legs, but I was young at the time, so it was a Nothing Burger (pun intended).

Try the recipe, and share the results with your friends. 
I enjoyed them, but a few of my uninitiated southern neighbors are still complaining of "heartburn." What a bunch of Wusses.  

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