Monday, September 21, 2009

Medical Bulletin (Windows Live Writer)

This is a test of Windows Live Writer. I’m trying out this blog poster software because it seems to be more robust than the one that’s built into Google Blogger.
The following is a Boomers Medical Bulletin -

Medical Bills You Shouldn't Pay
“As health-care costs continue to soar, millions of confused consumers are paying medical bills they don't actually owe. Typically this occurs when an insurance plan covers less than what a doctor, hospital, or lab service wants to be paid. The health-care provider demands the balance from the patient. Uncertain and fearing the calls of a debt collector, the patient pays up.”


  1. How does a person know they should not be billed?

  2. @John L.
    The article is a year old, and wasn't too clear.
    A recent Bing search shows that California and others, are suing over the issue of Balance Billing. On a personal note, I've always paid Duke for the difference in what the insurance company pays and what they bill in Toto. I very rarely catch them in an error, but when I do it's quite a few bucks.
    All I can say is that today's billing systems are a far cry from CRIS when it comes to accuracy. They feel that auditing is not their responsibility, it's the customer's.
